March 28, 2003
The last word
I know I said I would stop posting to the blog, but I want one last word. Somehow to my more recent visitors I have become a symbol of the independent voice being stamped out by the corporate media. Ironically, I get many more visitors now that I’m shut down because of references all over the net to my “silencing.” A journalist never likes to become the story himself, and I feel that I’m being used against my will as an example of the nasty American media monolith. I’m happy to be an American and I’m happy to work for the mass media. And I was happy to have this blog, and I would be happy if a lot of people read it and enjoyed it for what it is rather than as a symbol of something bad. Thanks. Peace.
March 28, 2003 in Culture | Permalink
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Hola amigo.Recibe desde Venezuela muchos abrazos.No hablo inglés,disculpa si escribo en español.Espero que nunca olvides tu objetivo principal como periodista:.......rescatar la verdad.
Yo terminaré este año mi carrera de Periodismo,y al igual que tu,espero transmitir a todos la verdad sin importar quien tenga poder.
Pido a Dios que te cuide a ti y a cada uno de los periodistas que en este momento arriesgan sus vidad para que el mundo entero sepa realmente lo que sucede.
Paz desde Venezuela.
Thaís García Belandria.
Posted by: Thais | Mar 29, 2003 6:08:41 AM
I'm really sorry you got shutdown. I enjoy reading what you have to say in this log. I learned alot. Thanks!
Posted by: Lydia | Apr 1, 2003 9:39:56 AM
I hear what you are saying about being used as a symbol for otehr persosns' complaints and agendas. That is always an eventuality in political media, and in the times of the most controversial war in a long, long time (unprecedented really) I would say it is almost an inevitibility that if you blip on the radar screen, that there are three or four sides that will want to make you into their "Private Lynch" (I wonder if Lynching someone will now take on a new meaning?)
My point is this: what I appreciated most about your Blog is that you had almost the only balanced view, while having your own opinion (that I do not happen to share, of course)--and I hope some of your tougher-to-swallow information gets out there again, for history's sake, when the dust settles.
I have my own axe to grind: I have never supported GWB, only his war. I would like to have seen the war conclude in 1991 and now that SH is out of power i would oike to see all the downsides of the war shown to everyone who thinks it's over. I am more optimistic about the turnout of the occupation of Baghdad than I am about the occupation of the Oval Office. But seeing a balanced and nuanced perspectuve, plus uniquer and pertintent information, makes me think that there could be hope for the longer-range domestic picture. I am that little bit more willing to reach out to the post-occupation peace movement to make what comon cause can be made, because of your blog. Thanks.
Posted by: Benjamin Pierce | Apr 10, 2003 2:32:06 AM
Posted by: Rudolph | Apr 17, 2003 11:47:54 PM
I'm sorry for you. I'm writing an article about censored blogs in, a brazilian media watcher in which I work. You'll be there.
Take care.
Posted by: beatriz singer | Apr 25, 2003 11:08:39 PM
Hi. Do you have any plans for a return to blogging?
Just wondering, as I liked your stuff a lot.
Posted by: Andy | Aug 17, 2003 9:30:42 PM
I'll give it to you Josh. At least you admit to being a mass media stooge, and being shut down by them is "not a symbol of something bad."
Well you know what? I agree. Shutting you down may be a signal the mass media is finally waking up (I wish).
I am so glad you are out of Serbia.
Posted by: Cp6uja! | Jan 19, 2004 8:59:00 AM
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