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March 25, 2003



March 25, 2003 in Kurds | Permalink


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Cool. Congrats.

Do convey to Time that their editorial bretheren at Headline News read you in both places.

Posted by: Al Matthews | Mar 25, 2003 2:23:14 AM

I just wanted to say that you are doing a fantastic job. I've learnt more "news" from 20 minutes on your site than I have seen for days on CNN, etc.

I'm a young freelance journalist myself and I only wish I had the courage to do what you are doing.

I'm just wondering, which news agency are you "officially" workign for. I mean, this site's great but it obviously dosn't pay your bills in Kurdistan so who is paying you for field reports?

keep up the good work,

people like you will be the reason why we prevent future catastrophes like this war from happening again

from toronto, canada

Posted by: peter | Mar 25, 2003 7:10:42 PM

It's too bad your day job is shutting this down. It would be great if you would post some alternative sites - perhaps run by someone whose livelihood isn't at risk.

Posted by: WriteWoman | Mar 25, 2003 11:34:13 PM

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