It's not a good thing, but not wholly a bad thing either. The terrible tragedy of the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas is bringing a lot of old relics out of the attic, and as the far right wingnuts brush the cobwebs off their terrorist tactics, something else is happening.
Some of the old style 70s feminists and other pro-choice activists who have been largely silent and inactive for the past 30 years are coming out of the woodwork too, speaking up and speaking out against what, if done by a Muslim in the United States, would have inspired a change in the National Terror Alert Level and anti-terrorist scare tactics of "Katie bar the door."
I need to strongly qualify that last paragraph. There were some feminists and pro-choice activists, compassionate doctors, nurses, rape crisis advocates, suspected child abuse and neglect social workers, and many others WHO DID NOT go silently into that good night of feminist movement forgetfulness of the past 30 years. They have stayed on the job, day in and day out, and, as we see in the article below, risking their lives more fully every day, especially when there is a Democrat or pro-choice president in the White House.
The medical professionals and social workers, the ones that kept working, like Dr. Tiller, the ones who are now speaking out nightly on MSNBC, these are people who didn't go away or shut down just because the movement politics had waned. They are true heroes.
For the rest of us, maybe we will remember our old activist selves. Maybe we'll remember what it was like to regularly staff the counter-protests at the clinics on Friday afternoons.
Maybe we'll remember what it was like to organize and stand up for what we believe in, as if it were the norm, and not something forgotten, in an old scrapbook.
Watch Rachel Maddow on MSNB in the evenings, and it makes you, makes me, remember the old days, of staffing the pro-choice tables in the student union on campus, bringing the speakers in, of marching and raising hell and pestering those folks with the oddly arched eyebrows and permanently angry faces protesting outside of clinics on Friday afternoons.
Maybe we forgot to be those people because the clinics disappeared, so we didn't see the protesters, forgot we still needed to fight back. I don't know why. I didn't stop being that feminist. But we sure did stop getting riled up over travesties that should have kept us riled up.
Some paragraphs in the article below just blew me away, so much so I have to bold them, call them out. Read them once. Then read them again.
Link: Cristina Page: The Murder of Dr. Tiller, a Foreshadowing.
Author of How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America
Posted: May 31, 2009 09:36 PM
For those who would like to think today's murder in church of Dr.
George Tiller, an abortion provider, is an isolated incident, here's
the horrifying news: You are wrong. The pattern is clear and
In March 1993, three months into the administration of our first
pro-choice president, Bill Clinton, abortion provider Dr. David Gunn
was murdered in Pensacola, Florida. That was the beginning of what
would become a five-fold increase in violence against abortion
providers throughout the Clinton years.
Today's assassination of Dr. George Tiller comes 5 months into the
term of our second pro-choice president. For anyone who would like to
believe that this is a statistical anomaly, a coincidence that doesn't
portend anything, again, you are wrong.
During the entire Bush administration, from 2000-2008 there were no murders.
During the Clinton era, between 1994-2000 there were 6 abortion
providers and clinic staff murdered, and 17 attempted murders of
abortion providers. There were 12 bombings or arsons during the Clinton
During the Bush administration, not only were there no murders,
there were no attempted murders. There was one clinic bombing during
the Bush years.
One can only conclude that like terrorist sleeper cells, these
extremists have now been set in motion. Indeed the evidence is already
there. The chatter, the threats, the hate-filled rhetoric are abundant.
In the last year of the Bush administration there were 396 harassing
calls to abortion clinics. In just the first four months of the Obama
administration that number has jumped to 1401.
Battered women are at greatest danger of being killed by their
abusers when they are most strong -- that is, when they muster the
courage to leave. The same phenomenon may be true in the abusive
political abortion debate. The pro-choice movement, specifically our
abortion providers, are in the greatest danger of violence when we take
power. When the anti-abortion movement loses power, their most extreme
elements appear to move to the fore and take control. The murder of Dr.
Tiller suggests that violence against abortion providers may be far
more linked to the power, or lack thereof, anti-abortion groups have
politically than to laws designed to increase penalties against such
History has another disturbing lesson for us. The escalation of
anti-abortion rhetoric plays a direct role in instigating violence.
When anti-abortion groups ratchet up the rhetoric, they know exactly
what they're doing and the results it will have.
Eleanor Bader, co-author of Targets of Hatred: Anti-Abortion Terrorism, in an article
in March for about clinics bracing for an uptick in
violence after the election of Obama wrote, "immediately after Obama's
election, Douglas Johnson, Legislative Director of the National Right
to Life Committee, called him a "hardcore pro-abortion president." The
American Life League dubbed him "one of the most radical pro-abortion
politicians ever," and Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life warned
that Obama will "force Americans to pay for the killing of innocents."
Americans United for Life, the Family Research Council and Operation
Save America quickly joined the chorus."
Many in the pro-choice movement believed that the Freedom of Access
to Clinic Entrances (FACE) law, passed in 1994 in response to Gunn's
murder, was responsible for reigning in violence against abortion
providers. Clearly that is not the case. Based on statistics
on violence against abortion providers compiled by the National
Abortion Federation, even after the passage of FACE in 1994, there was
still considerable violence and threats against clinic personnel,
including six murders. As appears clear, the pro-choice movement has
looked through rose-colored glasses, assuming or hoping that legalities
can restrain terrorists.
In fact, it didn't abate after FACE, as we've seen. It was not until
a comforting anti-abortion president did they calm down and stop the
murder, bombing and harassment spree.
As a result of Bush's policies, recent reportings from clinics suggest that we may be seeing a surge in abortions.
That has failed to inspire introspection from anti-abortion groups.
That Clinton presided over the most dramatic decline in abortion rates
in the recorded history of our country left them unmoved. That Obama
has assigned his senior-most staff to the task of finding ways to
reduce the need for abortion has not protected clinics nor providers
nor Obama. Holder and his Justice Department should take note of the
chatter and move aggressively against this form of domestic terrorism.
The hate-filled rhetoric against Obama from the anti-abortion movement
is at unprecedented levels, even for this reflexively inflammatory
group. They refer to him as the "Most Pro-Abortion President Ever"
ignoring the fact that he is the first to extend an olive branch in
hopes that together we can make abortion more rare.
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