And I'm very pleased to now feel comfortable doing so publicly!
What he did took guts, and made me proud to work with him. He may not know how many of his colleagues felt that way as well, but I do know a number of folks have told him privately. Now I know he'll be getting that feedback in public as well.
Link: TV anchor: I was sexually abused by Catholic priest -
TV anchor: I was sexually abused by Catholic priest
More on CNN TV: Thomas Roberts discusses his abuse by a Catholic priest in a special edition of "Anderson Cooper 360°" tonight at 10 ET.
POSTED: 12:55 p.m. EDT, March 12, 2007
By Thomas Roberts
CNNEditor's note: Thomas Roberts has been a Headline News anchor since 2001. In this story, he discusses being sexually abused by a Catholic priest as a teenager.
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- I became a victim of sexual abuse at the age of 14; the abuse lasted three years. It took me nearly 20 years to gather the strength to help put my abuser behind bars. Now, a year after "justice" was done, I am ready to tell my story publicly in ways I never have before.
Link: What's Happening at CNN: Thomas Was Scared When Approached to Tell His Story.
Thomas Was Scared When Approached to Tell His Story
Sins of the Father aired last night on CNN. SOTF detailed the abuse HLN anchor Thomas Roberts was subjected to by a Catholic priest. Yesterday Roberts wrote an article on about his ordeal and described how he felt when he was approached by Anderson Cooper to do a story on it:
This story is so layered. For a long time, I couldn't talk about it without crying. But a year ago, CNN Anchor Anderson Cooper and CNN Senior Producer Charlie Moore approached me about telling and following my story. I was scared. I was scared of being so honest and televising this journey.
What would people think? Would I ruin my career? But I came to the conclusion that I will not be scared anymore. I will not be scared of telling the truth because it might be uncomfortable for people to hear.
If this story compels even one person to seek help for being sexually abused, then it is all worth it. All it takes is telling one person. From there, strength grows and you can tell a second person and so on. Then you can finally have control of your life back.
Yes, that showed a lot of courage. I was also impressed with the footage of his testimony before the judicial committee speaking for tougher penalties.
Posted by: Sterling "Chip" Camden | March 14, 2007 at 01:48 PM