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September 17, 2005


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yes, but...

The books are not preloaded, Apparently, you still need to download them. That's why this caveat appears:
"*Please note: Because this box set contains six robust audiobooks, downloading can take hours. A broadband Internet connection is required for this download."

Bummer! (at least you're not ripping all those discs.)


Great post! Others like this book too! Check out http://www.hearingbooks.com/archives/2


here u can read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince : http://boox.atspace.com


its very good

brent s

why would someone pay 5o bucks for one of these?!? i just downloaded each of them off of limewire for free.

Audio books

I think audio version of Harry Potter are doing a good job indeed.I like them.Some more stories in the form of Audio books at http://www.karaditales.com .

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